Californians got taken by no-on Proposition 29 ads

Re "Altered term limits OK'd" (Page A1, June 6): Count another victory for doublespeak, distortions, and wholesale falsifications of reality. Big Tobacco and its defenders, under the guise of all taxes are evil libertarianism, played to the ignorance and laziness of California voters. Every single argument that their distorted ads presented to the voters could easily be proven false if voters had taken the 15-20 minutes it takes to read the 13 pages of the California Cancer Research Act. Fortunately for Altria, R.J. Reynolds, and other organizations that denounced the CCRA, words like "accountability", "bureaucracy", and "political appointees" create a Pavlovian response among ignoramuses who think 30-second ads on TV tell the whole story. -- Jason Knowles, Rocklin

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Californians got taken by no-on Proposition 29 ads

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