WI Republicans getting serious about Education cut-backs

From Eric Dondero:

Libertarians, particularly Libertarian Party members have been skeptical of GOP promises of cutting spending. But at least in Wisconsin, Republicans are sticking to their guns.

From Forbes "Walker's school cuts"":

Republican lawmakers on Friday largely supported Gov. Scott Walker's proposed cuts to public education...

schools still would have to shoulder a roughly $800 million cut in aid and reduce the total amount they get from aid and local property taxes by 5.5 percent.

Government-run schools advocates shot back:

advocates charge that Walker and Republicans are attempting to privatize education through the deep budget cuts...

"This is a day that the state Legislature walks away from its commitment to public education," said Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar.

Walker also proposed a 30% cut in taxpayer subsidies to technical colleges.

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