Why did Scott Brown win? Anger over George Bush, of course

"The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office. People are angry and they’re frustrated. Not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years." -- Barack H. Obama, interview with ABC News, Jan. 21

by Ron Hart

The most recent bright spot for the USA occurred in Massachusetts, when Republican Scott Brown won his (formerly) Democratic Senate seat in the bluest of blue states. He is being tested for steroids, but it looks like the win will stand.

The voters’ message is loud and clear, but will Obama’s hubris prevent him from hearing it? Political scientists have yet to cure arrogance.

Obama will rationalize the loss in Massachusetts like he always does. He will take a hard look at the situation and then blame it on Bush and bonuses paid to CEOs. In light of his agenda of growing government, his campaign slogan should have been “Chains we can believe in.”

I hope that the Senate election in Massachusetts will at least slow the corrupt, back room deals being cut by Democrats who buy votes (from their own party, no less) with our money.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. We must heed the words of Thomas Jefferson: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.” Maybe folks are finally getting the message. Contrary to what the Democratic core has been conditioned to believe, nobody owes you anything.

Sidenote: It was good to see former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney campaigning for Brown. At times he even loosened his necktie, which is a big deal for Romney. He used to have a job moonlighting as a model for those pictures that come in the picture frames you buy. Not that Romney doesn’t have a wild side; I heard he experimented with domestic wines back in the 70’s.

Editor's Note - Ron Hart's column published Wed. Jan. 20, one full day before Obama remarks above. (See the video at YouTube of Obama remarks relating to Scott Brown)

A syndicated libertarian op-ed humorist, Hart’s columns appear in 40 papers nationwide. His book, No Such Thing as a Pretty Good Alligator Wrestler, is available at RonaldHart.com.

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