WATCH: Libertarian Destroys Tucker Carlson’s Immigration Strawman – The Libertarian Republic


By: Elias J. Atienza

Tucker Carlson, host ofTucker Carlson Tonightand former senior fellow for the Cato Institute, debated immigration policy analyst Alex Nowrasteh. The twos debate covered welfare benefits for legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, along with the ideal level of immigration. Carlson favored limiting immigration while Nowrasteh believes in not letting Washington bureaucrats limit immigration.

The twos debate is just another battle in the never ending battle in libertarian circles about borders and immigration. Mainstream libertarians, such as those from the Cato Institute, believe in opening up the borders, while some schools of libertarian thought believing in closing the borders, such as Murray Rothbard and Hans Herman Hoppe. Ron Paul seems to be favor of killing the welfare state before increasing immigration, writing on it just last year:

How to tackle the real immigration problem? Eliminate incentives for those who would come here to live off the rest of us, and make it easier and more rational for those who wish to come here legally to contribute to our economy. No walls, no government databases, no biometric national ID cards. But not a penny in welfare for immigrants. Its really that simple.

So watch Carlson and Nowrasteh argue about their positions on immigration.


cato instituteHans Hermann Hoppemurray rothbardron paultucker carlson

See the original post here:

WATCH: Libertarian Destroys Tucker Carlson's Immigration Strawman - The Libertarian Republic

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