Warren Redlich Libertarian-Republican for NY Governor, names names: State Bureaucrats getting $200,000+ a year

Eliot Sander, Metro Transit boss man, nearly $300,000 a year salary from NY Taxpayers

Warren Redlich, is an attorney and town councilman in upstate New York. He's a candidate for Governor seeking both the Libertarian Party and Republican Party lines. Yesterday, he sent out a release listing the most overpaid bureaucrats in the state of New York.

From the release:

Albany – The Metropolitan Transportation Authority faces deficits amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. While these problems threaten New Yorkers with new taxes, they haven’t affected the MTA’s fat payroll.

According the SeeThroughNY.net database, the MTA had 54 people making over $200,000 in total pay in 2008, with over 8000 making $100K or more.

The top names on the list:

The MTA 200K club includes CEO Eliot Sander as the highest paid with $290K, and dozens of other executives, including William Norwich, the Senior VP of Operations for Long Island Bus ($259K), and Joseph Smith, Superintendent of Maintenance for NYC Transit ($256K).

The club also includes a number of regular workers. Ronald C. Dunne earned $283K as a Car Repairman for the Long Island Railroad. Some other $200K+ positions were Road Car Inspector, Conductor, Engineer, and Police Officer.

Redlich's solution is to simply cap the Metro Transportation salaries, and put an overall cap on public sector pay at $100,000 a year along with a pension cap of $75,000:

"Governor Paterson and others would increase taxes and adopt measures that hurt regular workers and reduce service. We can save more money by cutting at the top."

More info: "Stop wasting money for NY State" campaign, Redlich for Governor.

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