Victoria Jackson: Castro hearts Obama cause he’s a Communist Dictator

Communists of a feather...

Comedienne Victoria Jackson, formerly of Saturday Night Live, tells her Searchlight, NV Tea Party story over at Breitbart's Big Hollywood, "My Sarah Palin Experience."

Jackson talks of tryint to meet Palin in the flesh, and of meeting other celebs on the Tea Party Right, such as Andrew Breitbart, rapper Politick and Hannah Giles. And she also gives some insight into her own speaking gig:

I ran into Joe the Plumber and was thrilled to meet him... I told him that his fateful, little exchange with Obama had been the last piece of evidence I’d needed to conclude my theory that Obama was a Communist. That quote, “Spread The Wealth,” was the last nail in the coffin for me. Joe smiled and nodded.

[On stage] I was going to tell my story about what Communism means to me. I grew up in Miami and watched it turn into Cuba West as thousands of Cubans risked their lives on rafts coming to America for Freedom; to escape Castro and Communism. The news of the day had been that ‘Castro approves Obama’s Health Care Plan.’ Well, of course he does! He’s a Communist Dictator! Man, are people dumb or what?

Photo of Jackson speaking to a preview Tea Party rally, in Pasadena, last summer.

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