Utah YR Chair expresses high hopes for Rand movie

"too much government" doing too many things

From ABC4.com Salt Lake City, "Cautionary tale hits the big screen" April 16:

Chair of the Utah Young Republicans Daniel Burton says, “We've heard it's low budget but we still hope the principals that Ayn Rand talked about in her book are well displayed in the movie.”

Principals held strong by Utah’s Republican party; that a society where the individual is not free to create is doomed; that civilization cannot exist where there is too much government control. Burton says, “It's a cautionary tale. It's a metaphor for what can happen when too much government gets involved in doing too much for everybody.”

Editor's note - The Utah YRs website is headlining the premiere of Atlas Shrugged in SLC with a special exclusive showing for Young Republicans tonight, Mega-Plex Jordan Commons in Sandy , Theater #8, at 7:30 PM on Saturday, april 16.

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