USA: Libertarian Ticket Says Yes to Marriage Equality

Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee Judge Jim Gray today urged Ohio voters to place the proposed Freedom to Marry amendment on the 2013 statewide ballot and to approve it. Gray endorsed the measure on behalf of both himself and presidential candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. Judge Gray announced the Libertarian ticket's support for Freedom to Marry at a news conference Saturday morning at the County Courthouse in Toledo.

Gray said, "Unlike Mitt Romney or President Obama, Governor Johnson and I believe the right to marry who we choose is a constitutionally protected right. People of different faiths and different beliefs are free to follow those beliefs when it comes to embracing or opposing same-sex marriage within those faiths and beliefs. However, it should not be the purview of government to impose one set of beliefs over another. And government absolutely should not sanction discrimination against gay Americans who choose to marry.

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USA: Libertarian Ticket Says Yes to Marriage Equality

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