Uninspiring Conservative Dan Coats wins Indiana GOP Primary, could spark vote for Libertarian Party in Fall

From Eric Dondero:

Longtime establishment Republican Dan Coats won the GOP nomination for US Senate on Tuesday. He beat two libertarian-leaning candidates; Jon Hostetler, endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus, and Tea Party favorite Marlin Stutzman. Coats won with 54%.

A local Tea Partier in Indiana gave an amazingly frank assessment of the results. From the Pali-item, Richmond, IN:

Diane Hubbard, an active member of the Indianapolis Tea Party group, said it's hard to say whether tea party voters would support Coats, vote Libertarian or stay home in November.

"I don't think they're going to be excited about Coats, but they very well may vote for Coats," Hubbard said. "We hope people will get out and vote for the most conservative candidate."

The Indiana Libertarian Party is one of the strongest and most organized LP affiliates in the Nation. Over 20 Libertarians hold elective office in the State, including a local Judge, Mayor, Town Councilman, and most well-known Edward Coleman who is an elected Libertarian member of the Indianapolis City Council.

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