Unemployed Worker in NC complains she can’t find a Job: GOP legislator unexpectedly calls her bluff


From Eric Dondero:

North Carolina Republican State Rep. Stephen LaRoque had a "testy" email exchange with a constituent. Kathryn Treadway of Goldsboro lost her health industry job last year. She's been looking for work ever since. She's been recieving generous unemployment compensation. (Her salary was $22 an hour.)

The GOP-controlled Legislature recently reached an impasse with Democrat Gov. Bev Purdue over jobs legislation. This led to the halting of Treadway, and other North Carolinian's extended hand-outs.

Treadway told LaRoque she's been looking all over for work, putting in applications, but nothing has popped up. LaRoque shot back that he had a whole lot of yard work that needed to be done, and he'd hire her for $8 an hour starting immediately.

To her credit, Treadway took him up on the offer, showing up with a shovel and hoe the next day promptly at 9:00 am in front of his house. But things didn't go quite as planned.

From InfiniStreams.com:

“It was just too much. I’m not used to doing manual labor, and the crap he wanted me to do was something two men would do,” she said after leaving. “I'm used to making $22 an hour. I’m not gonna sit there for $8 and hour and come home having a stroke.”

LaRoque was stunned and displeased with her quitting the job after only one hour. Still, he was polite. Continuing:

“I was having her doing some bending over. She said it was bothering her back,” LaRoque said. “She stayed for about an hour and left. … I gave her eight dollars and thanked her.”

The Representative still needs yard work done, and is looking for someone who is willing to take the job. He's encouraging anyone in the local area who actually does want to work to contact him at his legislative office website.

Note - Goldsboro is located in east-central NC.

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