Under Mubarak Nazis had to meet in secret; Now under Muslim Brotherhood they’re an organized Party

American Taxpayer subsidized National Socialism

From Eric Dondero:

Oh, the irony. Real live Nazis emerging in the "New Egypt."

From the Jerusalem Post "Egyptian activists 'to form Nazi party', newspaper reports":

'Al-Masry Al-Youm' report says Facebook pages launched to attract followers; Nazi parties operated secretly in Egypt during Mubarak regime.

A group of Egyptian political activists have announced plans to set up a local version "of the Nazi party," an Egyptian newspaper reported on Thursday.

Citing a leftist Egyptian news portal, the Al-Masry Al-Youm daily said that "the party's founding deputy is a former military official," and that the party would be aimed at bringing "together prominent figures from the Egyptian society."

Note - Egypt is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, and President Obama just approved the relief of over $1 Billion in debt to the US from the Arab World, most of which for Egypt.

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