Uh-oh! Rothenberg moves 3 top Dem Senators to "Toss-up"

From Eric Dondero:

Three hateful ultra-liberals are now extremely vulnerable according to Democrat strategist Stuart Rothenberg. He blogs:

Right now, Democrats look poised to lose five to eight seats, and any net loss short of that would have to be regarded with relief by Democratic strategists.

Moving from the Lean Democrat category to "Toss-up":

Toss-Up/Tilt Democrat ( 0 R, 3 D)
Boxer (D-CA) *
Feingold (D-WI) *
Murray (D-WA) *

With help from Independent and 2008 McCain supporter Sen. Joe Lieberman, a sweep of 8 seats by the Republicans could hand the GOP a Senate majority.

Recent polls within the last two weeks have shown Boxer falling behind Carly Fiorna by 3 points, Murray behind her two likely GOP challengers by 3 points each, and even Feingold a 3 points behind Republican Ron Johnson. (All within the margin of error.)

(H/t Jim Antle, AS)

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