Twofer for Far Leftist Artists: Hatred for Jesus and Sarah Palin

From Eric Dondero:

An "Art" Show opened at the R&R Gallery in Los Angeles on January 28.

The Exhibit shows out of the mainstream depictions of Jesus Christ.

From the description on therandr website:

The R&R Gallery is celebrating it's very first trip around the sun with a salute to The Man. That's right, we're pulling out the big's The JESUS SHOW. Whether you're a believer or an unrepentant sinner, come out and give props to the O.G. Badass. We may not be turning water into wine, but we'll be trying our damndest, with original works by some of the finest of God's children. Holy Shit.

Editor's comment - As offensive as this is, as libertarians, we of course, fully support their right to create such works. But it does leave one to wonder what the outcry would be like if Obama was similarly depicted as Muhammed.

photo h/t Hoft

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