Two Major Media confirm LR’s discovery of Aldawsari’s lovesick obsession with Sarah Rice Stender


Both the NY Post and UK Daily Mail pick up on Lovesick Saudi Terrorist angle

From Eric Dondero:

Late Wednesday, hours after the Saudi - Texas Terrorist Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari story broke, LR along with Stacy McCain of TheOtherMcCain connected the dots to Sarah Rice Stender at Vanderbilt University.

We wrote here at LR early Thursday morning, "Confirmed! Aldawsari attended Vanderbilt in Tenn. from Oct. 2008 to Aug. 2009":

Stacy McCain and Libertarian Republican were the very first media in the entire Nation to connect the dots late last night, to a crush Aldawsari had on a Vanderbilt co-ed Sarah Rice Stender. (Photo from her Facebook Page). However, it was unclear how Aldawsari could have met her since she was at Vanderbilt, not Texas Tech.

Now, the Star-Telegram has confirmed his residency and other media confirmed his student status at Vanderbilt in Nashville.

Classmates describe "A loner," liked Bin Laden, wished for Martyrdom

And now this from the New York Post "Tour of evil duty
'Doll-bomber' scouted targets on NYC trip" Feb. 26:

Classmates of Aldawsari -- who prosecutors say was inspired by bin Laden's rhetoric as a boy in Saudi Arabia -- described him as a loner.
He sporadically posted on his blog, "FromFarAway," an odd mix of Arabic prayers and wishes for martyrdom, and mused about watching "Resident Evil" trailers on YouTube.

Studying English as a second language at Vanderbilt University, he fell in love with his conversation partner, Sarah Rice Stender, a 58-year-old former professor of medicine at the Nashville, Tenn., school.

"She is [so] gorgeous that I can't forget her just right away . . . I am asking Allah the Great to convert her to Islam and marry me," he wrote in 2009.

Stender did not return a call for comment.

Obviously, the Post gets the "58-year-ld former professor of medicine" part wrong.

Stender's Facebook Page taken down

The UK Daily Mail confirms it is indeed the woman in the photo that we broke here at LR, by running the same photo with their story, "Saudi terror suspect loved ultra-violent video game," and adds:

Aldawsari, who was arrested Wednesday and charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, also blogged about his love for Sarah Rice Stender, the student who helped teach him English

Miss Rice Stender was listed as one of Aldawsari's Facebook friends.

So, we scooped both the NY Post and the UK Daily Mail. LR's piece is the second link to come up on Google seach for "Sarah Rice Stender." So, there's little doubt where the Post and Daily Mail got this news from. Though, we did not receive any link or acknowledgement in either article.

One final intriguing note: Sarah Rice Stender's Facebook Page has been taken down.

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