Two Big Strikes for GOP frontrunners on libertarian issues

Pawlenty No on Pot

From Eric Dondero:

New info emerging on Tim Pawlenty's recent visit to the Cato Institute. Dave Weigel at Slate reports on the Q&A after his speech:

Unfortunately, the wearer of Vikings colors worked for the Marijuana Policy Project, who asked Pawlenty how he could be taken seriously on health care since he had opposed "my group" on medical pot.

"What was it?" asked Pawlenty? "Marijuana? Yeah. Well... I stood with law enforcement issue on this issue... we just have a respectful difference on this issue."

Pawlenty vetoed a medical marijuana bill in his last year in office.

Sigh... Romney backs Ethanol subsidies in Iowa

This one is not going to win over libertarians and other free marketeers for sure. Romney's already on thin ice with this wing of the GOP.

The Hill reports "Romney backs Ethanol subsidies":

Asked about his position on federal ethanol subsidies following a talk at the Greater Des Moines Partnership's Presidential Forum Speaker Series, Romney said that ethanol is an important part of the nation's energy supply.

“I support the subsidy of ethanol,” said Romney, according to ABC News. “I believe it’s an important part of our energy solution in this country

Ironically, just last week, Pawlenty scored some points with libertarians by coming out for the repeal of subsidies on an Iowa campaign swing.

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