Two Big endorsements from the Republican Liberty Caucus – Nevada and Oklahoma

From Eric Dondero:

The Republican Liberty Caucus met in conference call Monday night and resolved to officially endorse two high profile Republican candidates: Sharron Angle for US Senate in Nevada and Randy Brogdon for Oklahoma Governor.

Interestingly, the RLC had backed Angle in 2008 in a failed primary run for Congress against now-Congressman Dean Heller. (She lost by a very slim margin.)

RLC National Committeeman Aaron Bitterman comments:

Voters interested in supporting a candidate who will work to reduce the size of government should enthusiastically support Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate in Nevada.

The bonus is that electing Angle will rid our country of Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On Brogdon, Bitterman had this to say:

Brogdon is in a tough election with Congresswoman Mary Fallin, the establishment favorite, to win the Republican primary taking place July 27.

As a State Senator, Randy Brogdon proposed or passed …

• The Healthcare Freedom of Choice Act
• The Real ID Opt-out Bill
• The Freedom Firearm Act
• The Tenth Amendment Resolution

Brogdon was also the lead sponsor of the Stop OverSpending Initiative (TABOR) and was instrumental in supporting an initiative to protect private property rights in response to Kelo v. New London.

It should also be noted that Brogdon has had a longstanding friendship with the Republican Liberty Caucus. He's affiliated with Howie Rich's Americans for Limited Government. He's also been a guest speaker and attendee on a number of occasions at Oklahoma Libertarian Party meetings.


From the Editor: We will have a very special announcement regarding Sharron Angle on Thursday morning. You will not want to miss this.

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