Trans Fats ban by Democrats: Where else but Illinois?

From Eric Dondero:

The Pat Quinn/Rahm Emanuel/Dick Durbin/Rod Blagojevich/Barack Hussein Obama State strikes again.

Note the blatant editorializing in this "news report" by the Gate House New Service out of Springfield (via"Illinois House moves to ban trans fat in foods":

Illinois is poised to become the second state in the country (after California) to ban artery-clogging artificial trans fats.

The Illinois House last week approved a bill to eliminate artificial trans fats from restaurant and bakery food and food sold in school vending machines by January 2013. Cafeterias operated by state and local governments and schools would not be included in the ban until January 2016.

“Trans fats are like bacon grease pouring down your sink clogging your pipes,” said Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, sponsor of House Bill 1600. “That’s exactly what trans fats do to your arteries. You can still have fried foods and baked goods without trans fats.”

Naturally, Republicans, and one brave rural IL Democrat, are the only ones standing against this Nanny-State imposition on individual liberties. Continuing:

“It’s yet another nanny-state mandate on the public when the businesses and communities are perfectly capable of making these decisions themselves,” said Rep. David Leitch, R-Peoria.

“We don’t have to be a watchdog for everyone,” argued Rep. Frank Mautino, D-Spring Valley. “We tell people to do a lot of things, and it would probably be good if they did them, but maybe at some point they’d like to decide on their own if they should do them or not.”

Editor's note - This website has few opportunities to praise Democrats. Rep. Mautino (photo - right), thank you.

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