Tim Huelskamp, a Reagan Conservative for Congress

From Eric Dondero:

There's a hot primary in Kansas to replace Republican Todd Tiahart who is moving up to the Senate. Tim Huelskamp, currently in 3rd in a field of 7, is the Tea Party favorite.

From his website:

Yesterday at massive TEA Parties across Kansas, Senator Tim Huelskamp spoke about the importance of the 10th Amendment. “The 10th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution for one purpose – to restrict the power of the federal government. But for years,” noted Huelskamp, “Washington has increasingly ignored any limits on their power – especially with the passage of their most recent stimulus and bailout bills.”

Huelskamp also has another big endorser, one with solid libertarian-conservative credentials, Texas Governor Rick Perry.

“There is only one candidate in this race that will keep the state of Kansas and our nation moving forward in the right direction, and that’s Tim Huelskamp…I do not make this endorsement lightly and only offer my support when I am certain of a candidate’s strong conviction…Tim is without a doubt one of those candidates and I am proud to offer my endorsement of his campaign.” -- Rick Perry

And an endorsement from yet another famous Texan:

“Tim Huelskamp will do the work to fight for lower taxes and spending and for more freedom in Washington. I have been very impressed by Tim’s record of fiscal responsibility. We need people like Tim Huelskamp voting with me in Congress.” -- Ron Paul

Finally, Huelskamp is backed by the economic libertarian Club for Growth.

Huelskamp has been a State Senator since 1996 serving on the Agriculture committee. He is a rancher himself, from Western Kansas.

One interesting personal note on Huelskamp. He and his wife Angela have four adopted children including the two girls, who are from Haiti.

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