The wit and wisdom of Barack Obama

by Clifford F. Thies

Not knowing to quit when he was behind, Barack Obama has caused something of a minor international incident at the meeting of the G-20. First, he congratulated Nicholas Sarkozy of France on the good looks of his and his wife's new child, a baby girl.

Good thing she inherited her mother's looks and not yours, said our ever witty President, apparently not realizing that Sarkozy is rather proud of his own good looks. Then, just to make all the gathered heads of state certain that his awkward remark shouldn't be taken very seriously, as nothing that he doesn't read off a teleprompter should, he followed up with, "And so now we share one of the greatest challenges and blessings of life, and that is being fathers to our daughters."

The President of France should consider how fortunate he is that he is the father of his daughters?

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