The Basketball Star pulls ahead of the Obama-ite for Oregon Guv

Fiscal Conservative like Chris Christie and Mitch Daniels

From Eric Dondero:

If this holds up, and projected GOP victories come through in the other tight races, Republicans could stand to have a total of 31 Governors (plus Puerto Rico), after Nov. 2.

Via Rightosphere:

Rasmussen Oregon Gubernatorial Survey

•Chris Dudley (R) 49% {46%}
•John Kitzhaber (D) 46% {48%}

At 6 foot '7, Dudley is the former center for the Portland Trailblazers.

Dudley's campaign just confirmed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for a Saturday appearance at a rally in Portland. Dudley has expressed admiration for the governing style and fiscal politics of Christie and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels. (Source: Oregonian)

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