The Andre Controversa Show: Abolishment of Collective Bargaining in Ohio

From Right Guy:

Our first guest will Chris Littleton, president of the Ohio Liberty Council, who will be talking about the current legislation to abolish collective bargaining rights for state workers in Ohio and discussing it too will be Tom Niehaus, Ohio Senate president.

Our second guests at the bottom of the hour is former congressman Bob Beauprez of Colorado and Dan Gainor, vp of Business and Culture for the Media Research Center, who will be commeting on the NPR sting operations, the NPR mindset, and why NPR should not receive federal funds.

Our third guest will be Robert Greer, professor of theology at Judson University. He will be discussing the hearings on D.C. on radical islam.

Host Andre Traversa, Co-Host Jim Lagnese

Show Time 7:00PM-9:PM CST

Call in at 949-203-4821 or stream here.

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