Texas Congressman Michael McCaul on Arrest of PFC Naser Abdo near Ft. Hood

"Radical Muslims want to attack our military installations"

Statement released at Congressman's website:

"This is another indication that radical Muslims want to attack our military installations. It is at least the eighth plot or attack against our military since 9/11 and the sixth in the past two years. We need to know what outside connection the suspects had, whether they coordinated with al Qaeda or were in direct contact with Anwar al Awlaki as we know that Major Hasan was before the Fort Hood shooting. During yesterday's Homeland Security hearing on radicalization I asked whether any of the witnesses disagreed with the notion that the radicalization of Muslim youth in this country poses a threat to our homeland security. The silence spoke volumes. We know that PFC Abdo applied for and received conscientious objector status on the eve of his first deployment to Afghanistan. Reports of the arsenal that he purchased at the same gun store as Maj. Hasan indicates this plot could have been significant. Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to the gun dealer who sensed something was wrong and alerted authorities."

Note - Congressman McCaul, who represents a district north of Houston, sits on the House Homeland Security Comm. He is especially concerened with border security issues.

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