Terri McCormick, Constitutionalist Republican for Congress – Wisconsin


From Eric Dondero:

In Wisconsin's conservative 8th Congressional District, seven Republicans are running to defeat Democrat Congressman Steve Kagen, a vocal supporter of Obamacare and a medical doctor himself. The 8th district's two largest cities, Green Bay and Appleton, are both Republican strongholds. In 2006 and 2008, Republican House Speaker John Gard lost to Kagen, but in 2006 he lost by less than two percentage points.

Republicans in the district are split on who they should select to be the nominee, with four people considered the major contenders. Of the four major players, former three-term State Representative Terri McCormick has been a darling of the state's small-but-growing libertarian Republican base and should also receive support from various Tea Party groups in the district. McCormick created Wisconsin's charter school laws and pushed legislation through to allow for more entrepreneurs to create small businesses in the tax-heavy upper Midwestern state.

As for Congressman Kagen (D), he supported both Obamacare (and used his status as a doctor to woo Blue Dog Democrats to vote for the bill) and the $17.5 billion Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (H.R. 2487), which enables the federal government to withold 30% of all capital flows leaving the country (see http://www.zerohedge.com/article/its-official-america-now-enforces-capital-controls). Kagen also voted for TARP and the stimulus bill. He voted in favor of Waxman-Markey Cap-and-Trade bill (see http://kerrythomas.com/Archives/Kimosabi.htm for details). Kagen has gotten a 7% rating (out of 100%) from both National Taxpayers Union and Citizens Against Government Waste. His largest contributors are unions.

One of Terri McCormick's main opponents is State Representative Roger Roth, who was elected to McCormick's Assembly seat in 2006 when she upheld her term limits pledge. Representative Roth is a darling of the Republican Party Establishment, which has a terrible record of electing Republicans in the state (see: John Gard vs. Steve Kagen, 2006 and 2008, for example). At a public forum with all of the Republican candidates in January, Roger Roth had the following to say about the U.S. Constitution:

"At the end of the day, it's just a piece of paper with a lot of words on it..."

(See YouTube Video)

In short, Roger thinks the Constitution is a flexible piece of paper, but that we "should elect people who believe in that!"

Learn more about Terri McCormick at http://TerriMcCormickforCongress.com/

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