Tennessee Republican attacked by Dem opponent for wanting to "Privatize" Social Security

Yet newly released Poll shows Republican Privatizer ahead by 10

From Roy Herron, Democrat for Congress press release, (via Knoxnews.com), Aug. 18:

DRESDEN, Tenn. -- Another Washington-based special interest group has set its crosshairs on seniors-advocate Roy Herron in support of pro-Social Security privatization candidate Stephen Fincher in the race for Congress in Tennessee's 8th District.

The controversial Washington, D.C. powerbroker Americans for Prosperity, a longtime supporter of the risky plan to privatize Social Security to benefit Wall Street coffers, reportedly purchased $120,000 worth of television ads in the 8th District and is hosting a rally in Jackson to malign the record of steadfast Social Security supporter Herron, a small town attorney and Christian author.

"Roy Herron is a roadblock that will stand firmly in the way of groups that want to hand deliver your Social Security funds to bankers on Wall Street," said Brandon Puttbrese, Herron campaign spokesman. "It's no mystery why these Wall Street-backed special interests are pouring millions of dollars into Stephen Fincher's campaign: they are buying him off. Roy Herron's vote is not for sale."

Last week, the 60 Plus Association, another Washington group supporting Fincher and fighting for the risky privatization plan, launched a $250,000 ad campaign distorting and smearing Herron's record.

Dem-held seat, another pick-up for the GOP

Poll just released by the Tarrance group (via Hedgehog):

US HOUSE – TENNESSEE – CD 8 (Tarrance)
Stephen Fincher (R) 47%
Roy Herron (D) 37%
Donn Janes (I) 5%

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