Tea Partyer Rep. Tim Scott signals he could be a No Vote on Budget Bill

From Eric Dondero:

One of two freshman class presidents Rep. Tim Scott of South Carolina, known as a staunch Tea Party supporter, is now saying he's not sure he'll vote for the $39 billion in proposed spending cuts.

From TheHill:

"If you get two-thirds of what you want when you control just a third of the the three levers, I think you're not in bad shape," Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) said of the long-term deal. "That doesn't mean that I'm gonna vote for it, though."

The Congressman told an audience in N. Charleston last week (via Live5News):

"We have to squeeze from the middle. We have to do more than simply tighten the belt. We have to cut things that are important to people. We simply cannot afford those things anymore. We have to cut there and we have to cut now."

Editor's note - This website was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Tim Scott for Congress.

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