Tea Party "libertarians" in House may oppose compromise?

Budget Battle Update!

From Eric Dondero:

Boehner and the mainline GOPers may get the votes from centrist Democrats, but they may also lose votes on their right flank.

From Fox News, "Lots of Talk, But Shutdown Still Looming":

But the big fight will be over Republican proposals to use budget cuts to reach policy aims. Republicans want to cut off National Public Radio, end subsidies for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider, and to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of any funding for regulating emissions the Obama administration says are warming the earth’s atmosphere.

These so-called riders are unlikely to be able to pass the Democratic controlled Senate, but without them, Boehner may not be able to keep together enough of his caucus to pass the legislation.

The new Tea Party, libertarian-minded members of the House will oppose the compromise because it is far short of the 6 percent deficit reduction they sought. And social conservatives who might be willing to compromise on dollars, won’t vote for a spending plan that supports an abortion provider.

House Tea Party Caucus members Reps. Sue Myrick (NC) and Tom McClintock (CA).

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