Tea Party leaders call for full repeal of Dem Health Care bill

Beat back the Democrats on their "horrendous" legislation

From Eric Dondero:

The Tea Party movement has been searching for one single issue to unite all various factions heading into 2010. The movement consists of Fiscal Conservatives, Dick Armey's FreedomWorks, big city stockbrokers and businessmen inspired by Chicagoan Rick Sintelli of CNBC, Libertarian Party members, Ron Paul followers, Anti-Federal Reserve Goldbugs, Sarah Palin supporters, and small-town Moms mad at the Big Boys in Washington, who can't even balance their own checkbook.

Now, Tea Party leaders may have found an issue all Tea Party Patriots can rally behind.

The Plum Line (Who runs the Gov), a liberal-leaning publication, quotes a promiment leader in the Tea Party movement - Alex Pappas, VP of FreedomWorks, on the Health Care legislation:

"This has an unusual ability to be repealed, and the public is on that side.” he said. "The Republicans are going to have to prove that they are worthy of their votes."

Writes Greg Sargent of Plum Line:

It’s now becoming clear that this could be a major issue for Republicans in 2010: the Tea Party movement, as well as high-profile conservatives, are going to demand that candidates call for a full repeal of the Dem healthcare reform bill, presuming it passes.

Rosputin, top blogger at FreedomWorks.org puts the deeds into action:

For the next 11 months, until the 2010 elections, we will see a continuous battle of messaging between the Democrats trying to show what the bill "gives" people and Republicans (and others) trying to show what it takes from people (money, liberty, quality of health care.) It is absolutely critical that the Democrats be soundly beaten back every time they try to offer a positive message about their horrendous legislation.

For tips on activism against Health Care and how to get active in the fight for the 2010 campaign - FreedomWorks.org blog

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