Swingers? Another major politician may be "in the Lifestyle"


Jack Ryan Redux?

From Eric Dondero:

This news just breaking this morning... Only two sources so far, so we're reluctant to move full speed ahead.

The politician in question manages a huge state, and has been heavily rumored to have had affairs in the past. So, revelations of a Swingers Lifestyle would not come as a great surprise.

To date, the best-known politico to have been a Swinger, was ironically Jack Ryan of Illinois. Ryan and his wife Jeri, were said to be full-blown in the Lifestyle. In court documents trips to elite Paris clubs, and Chicago-area Swingers parties were detailed. The couple eventually divorced. But not before Ryan, viewed as a rising star in the GOP, was knocked out of a US Senate race.

The Chicago Political Machine: Then and Now

He lost to none other than a budding young State Senator from Chicago's southside: Barack Hussein Obama. It was rumored at the time that Obama's opposition reseach team had uncovered the allegations about Ryan, which eventually led him to drop out of the race. Ryan had been favored to win the seat. (Perenniel candidate Alan Keyes then stepped in as a replacement for the GOP with disastrous results.)

With the current situation, the individual in question is also a political opponent of Obama's, and it has been known for quite some time that he has wanted him out of the race, to make way for a more trusted Obama-ite.


The celebrity news site Asia One is reporting:

New York Governor David Paterson... is facing rumours of sexacapades.

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