Steny Hoyer agrees with John Boehner and Republicans: Jobs Report released Friday, totally Sucks!

From Eric Dondero:

ABC News reports that House speaker John Boehner reacted to the release of the Jobs Report on Friday, in a grim manner:

“While the American people are asking ‘where are the jobs?’ the Democrats running Washington are determined to punish small businesses with higher taxes and more red tape – including hundreds of new regulations last month alone – and to keep their spending binge going at all costs. Instead of more jobs, they’re creating more fear, more uncertainty, and more debt.”

But the stunner, Democrat Minority Whip Steny Hoyer agreed:

“unsatisfactory for the millions of Americans who remain unemployed and for the millions more waiting to feel the effects of economic recovery.”

“Clearly, we must do more. It is truly disappointing

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