Star-studded rally for Sharron Angle in Las Vegas – Actor Jon Voigt joins in

Reagan-inspired love for country

From Eric Dondero:

On Friday night, an impressive line-up of speakers joined Republican for Senate Sharron Angle at a rally in Las Vegas. The line-up included John McCain, Michael Reagan, and Jon Voight.

Las Vegas Channel 13 News describes a Reagan-inspired event:

Friday night, Hollywood was in town, so was the posterity of a celebrated Republican president, and a former presidential candidate. It started with patriotic music, sound clips from past presidents...

Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron Angle was all smiles as she took the stage with her big name supporters.

"answer Ronald Reagan's last wish in politics. To rid this country of Harry Reid," says Michael Reagan

Obama a "radical Socialist" sympathetic with our enemies

According to CNN, Angle declared that "shock and awe" were coming to Washington.

McCain shouted out:

"This election will change America. The world is watching this election. My friends, the 51st vote to give Republicans majority in the U.S. Senate will come right here from the state of Nevada. I look forward to standing side by side with Angle."

Voight gave the crowd red meat. Continuing from CNN:

Perhaps the most impassioned speaker of the night was Voight.

The actor attacked Obama for launching a "destructive assault" on the nation.

Lacing his remarks with accusations of "lies' and "fraud" perpetrated by the White House, he elicited a rousing ovation when he announced, "Obama is not a Democrat. He is a radical socialist more sympathetic with our enemies than our allies."

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