Solid as Steele behind Petraeus, War in Afghanistan

From Eric Dondero:

The liberal media is exploiting a supposed gaffe made by libertarian-leaning Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, earlier last week. He was speaking off the cuff at an outdoor picnic.

Now Steele has responded with a clarification of his remarks. Through his spokesman, Doug Heye (via National Journal):

"The responsibility for building and maintaining [a] strategy falls squarely on the shoulders of the President. Like so many Americans, Chairman Steele wants to hear an explanation from President Obama on what his strategy is for winning the war in Afghanistan," Heye said.

Heye called Petraeus's confirmation hearings, held this week, a "missed opportunity" to flesh out Obama's strategy. And Steele himself, at a fundraiser on Thursday, said winning wars in Afghanistan has proven difficult in history. On Friday afternoon, Steele reiterated his support for the general and aimed to clarify his historical point.

"As we have learned throughout history, winning a war in Afghanistan is a difficult task. We must also remember that after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, it is also a necessary one," said Steele.

"That is why I supported the decision to increase our troop force and, like the entire United States Senate, I support General Petraeus' confirmation. The stakes are too high for us to accept anything but success in Afghanistan."

For the record, we here at Libertarian Republican fully support the Chairman, and recognize that any calls for his resignation, will only be hurtful to our ultimate objective; a massive defeat of Democrats in November. Those who call for his resignation, are in all practicality, aligning themselves with the Democrats against the Republican Party, and just as bad, aligning with the liberal media.

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