Sioux Falls, SD Mayor’s race: Libertarian-Republican goes after Democrat’s party affiliation

"Big 'L' Libertarian" could win Mayorship of South Dakota's largest city

In the Sioux Falls mayoral race, party affiliation has become one of the biggest issues. In what may be a sign of the times, the Democrat candidate is seeking to downplay his party. The Republican candidate is talking up his affiliation, and even listing his "Libertarian" views prominently on his website.
From the Argus Leader, April 21:

On the first question at the Good Morning Sioux Falls event at the Holiday Inn City Centre, candidate Kermit Staggers pointed out to the audience where he and candidate Mike Huether stand politically.

"There seems to be some confusion," he said. "Once again, I am the Republican, Mike's the Democrat."

Although the race is considered nonpartisan, Huether's decision to hire a Democratic consulting firm, coupled with donations from labor unions, had the state GOP ready to offer some support to Staggers, who said he was considering the offer.

On the "Kermit Staggers for Mayor" Facebook page, Staggers' political views are listed as Libertarian. Huether does not list his political views on his campaign Facebook page.

Staggers went on to say that he's "not hiding from his record," like Huether.


Staggers focused on lower taxes, more government transparency and less regulation. He said regulations place costs on business "and of course cost means less prosperity for businesses."

Staggers is a city councilman and former state senator. On his Facebook page, under Detailed Info, his Political Views are prominently listed as simply "Libertarian."

South Dacola, which bills itself as South Dakota's "Snarkiest Political Blog," commented:

It is no secret that Kermit isn’t your typical Republican, and it shows in who votes for him. He has wide support amongst all parties, but how does his party feel about him? Do Republicans want a true fiscal conservative with Libertarian beliefs, such as civil liberties, representing their party as mayor of Sioux Falls? Who knows? It was clear that Pat Costello was their dog in the race. Are they willing to look past Kermit’s big ‘L’ behind his name just to pull off a win for their party, or more importantly stopping Huether?

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