Shocking Liberal Media Bias! Reporter says "not interested" in Republican challenger to Dem Rep.

The Hollywood Treatment: Don't call us; we'll call you

From Eric Dondero:

Former Washington Times correspondent and Libertarian Republican blogger Stacy McCain reports this morning that a reporter for a California newspaper told a campaign staffer of Republican nominee Mattie Fein, challenging incumbent Congresswoman Jane Harman, that they are "not interested," in any news or comments from his candidate.

Libertarian Party candidates are typically treated by the liberal media with such disdain. But now even some Republican Party candidates are receiving the same sort of treatment.

From Stacy McCain:

A reporter for the Torrance (Calif.) Daily Breeze sent an e-mail to a political consultant saying the newspaper is “not interested” in covering Republican candidate Mattie Fein, who is challenging Democratic Rep. Jane Harman in California’s 36th District.

In the e-mail sent Wednesday (see text below), Daily Breeze reporter Nick Green told consultant John S. Thomas of Thomas Partners Strategies, “Don’t call or e-mail us – we’ll call you if we’re interested. And if you haven’t got it yet, we’re not interested.”

See the screen shot itself of the email exchange at The Other McCain. The Daily Breeze serves South Bay and Marina Del Ray. Green who is now covering politics for the paper, is listed at the Breeze site as a "soccer columnist." Here is the full text of the email:

Don’t call or e-mail us – we’ll call you if we’re interested. And if you haven’t got it yet, we’re not interested. And stop sending the same messages to my co-worker Art as well
Thank you.

Mattie Fein is a former associate producer of CNBC, former writer for the Financial Times and CBS Market Watch. She has been endorsed by the Calif. Small Business Assoc., the Howard Jarvis Comm., and libertarian Republican Cong. Dana Rohrabacher.

The coastal California district includes portions of West Los Angeles, Venice, Torrence, Redondo Beach, and Manhattan Beach.

There is a Libertarian Party candidate on the ballot as well, Herb Peters.


Reporter Nick Green has responded to the controversy, calling Stacy McCain, an "Andrew Breitbart wannabee... with a clear agenda." (More on the story...)

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