SHOCK POLL!! Republican Clint Didier pulls ahead of Patty Murray – Washington State

"Numerous changes need to be made in our bureaucratic line-up in order to bring our nation back to recognizing our highest political value -- individual liberty " -- Clint Didier

From Eric Dondero:

Just breaking from Rasmussen...

Washington's Senate race looks increasingly like a referendum on incumbent Democrat Patty Murray with two Republican candidates edging past her this month.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Washington State finds Republican hopefuls Dino Rossi and Clint Didier both earning 48% support in match-ups with Murray. She, in turn, picks up 45% of the vote against the two GOP challengers. Less than 10% of voters in both cases prefer some other candidate in the race or are undecided.

Clint Didier (R) 48%
Patty Murray (D-inc) 45%

Didier is of course, a former Washington Redskin, having played for the team for 7 years, and 3 more years for the Green Bay Packers. He was in 3 Super Bowls with the Skins.

Didier is the Tea Party-backed candidate in the race. Didier won the endorsement of Sarah Palin early on. Interestingly, on his campaign website Didier lists Palin as one of his greatest heros along with "Jesus Christ," and "Ronald Reagan."

Palin's endorsement:

“I’m proud to support Clint Didier as he willingly puts it all on the line to serve Washington State in the U.S. Senate for all the right reasons! This selfless, inspiring, commonsense constitutional conservative will help put our country on the right track. Please visit Clint’s website and follow him on Twitter. Let’s get behind #86!”

And from the other end of the libertarian movement, Didier has won Ron Paul's backing, as well. Paul's endorsement, via the Daily Paul:

“I am proud to endorse Clint Didier for United States Senate.

“The American people need more than just another vote. We need a man of principle who will always stand up for what is right. We need a citizen politician who will represent US. Clint Didier is just that kind of individual.”

Though Didier is the favorite of the hard right, Rossi is supported by a number of conservative GOPers, as well. It's been a relatively friendly GOP race between the two so far. Washington has a winner-take-all top two getter primary race with all parties participating.

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