Scott Brown the Tea Party, even "Libertarian" US Senator

"He embraced tenants... of the Libertarian Party"

Scott Brown win is increasingly seen as libertarian-leaning Tea Party victory.

Mike Huckabee, Fox News:

Scott Brown's defeat of Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts Senate campaign on Tuesday was a second Boston Tea Party as tons of Democrat hubris, elitism and paternalism were dumped into Boston Harbor.

From Fred Barnes, writing in the Washington Examiner:

conservatives and tea partiers joined moderates and independents in the Brown coalition.

He was skillful in encapsulating an anti-Obama message: "Raising taxes, taking over our health care, and giving new rights to terrorists is the wrong agenda for our country."

That's a mantra conservatives, tea party people, moderates, and independents can embrace.

David Bernstein at Volokh Conspiracy:

Like others who oppose much of President Obama’s legislative agenda, I’m pleased that Scott Brown won, and even more pleased that he won relying on generally libertarian themes...

Robert Laurie at The Daily Caller:

He embraced tenants of the Tea Party movement and the Libertarian Party, fusing them into a new take on classic conservatism. At least it feels new, since we haven’t seen it in so long. Issues like personal liberty, states’ rights, upholding the 10th Amendment, stopping cap and trade, and national sovereignty were front and center in a Massachusetts election, and they won.

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