Scandal brewing with West Virginia Democrats? Byrd seat not so safe after all

"Sensitive nature of the investigation"

by Clifford F. Thies

Democratic Gov. Manchin - one of those "conservative Democrats" - may have thought he'd be a shoo-in in the special election to complete the late Bobby Byrd's Senate term; but, now comes word of a scandal in the state government under investigation by the Department of Justice that might lead to his office. Whether or not the Governor is a party of interest in the investigation, it's kind of pathetic for the Governor of a state to say, "What scandal? Nobody in this office is connected to the scandal under investigation." Why do the Feds have to come into the state, why isn't the Governor of the state holding the employees of the state government accountable? Maybe it's a Democrat thing. Just a little laissez-faire for those trying to make good at the taxpayer's expense. Don't ask, don't tell. The Chicago Rules. In the meanwhile, the presumptive Republican candidate, wealthy businessman John Reese, is on the air reminding the voters of the state that Manchin would be part of the Obama team in Washington, DC.

From West Virginia Watchdog:

Gov. Joe Manchin‘s office confirmed today that state government officials have been contacted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office this week regarding an ongoing investigation. The target may be Manchin himself, according to a source who asked to remain anonymous.

According to Manchin Spokesman Melvin Smith, federal authorities contacted state officials for information regarding an ongoing investigation. Due to the sensitive nature of the investigation, Smith was unable to say more at the request of attorneys.

“The State is cooperating fully,” said Smith in a phone conversation.

Editor's Note - Senior Editor Cliff Thies lives in western Virginia.

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