Rubio getting hit for opposition to Illegal Immigration

He's a "Benedict Arnold" to his Race

From Eric Dondero:

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (a longtime favorite of this website), recently reiterrated his position against illegal immigration, and blanket amnesty on spanish radio. For that he has received vitriolic condemnation from leftist Hispanic leaders.

From Politico:

"To be against comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship and against the DREAM Act defines you in the Latino immigrant community as a hard-liner and an enemy of the community,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-immigration advocacy group.

"There’s a Benedict Arnold feeling,” said Jorge Mursuli, a Cuban immigrant and executive director of Miami-based Democracia, a Hispanic civic engagement group.

Critics also charged that Rubio was putting ambition over his allegiances to his race. Rubio is often mentioned as a possible VP candidate for the GOP in 2012.

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