RLC Member elected Chairman of the Alaska LP


From Eric Dondero:

Tea Party Republican Mark Fish was elected yesterday to the Chairmanship of the Libertarian Party of Alaska. The annual convention was held in Anchorage at the Lion's Head Best Western. Over 40 delegates attended.

Fish was a Republican candidate for State House in 2008. He was also deeply involved in the Joe Miller for US Senate campaign against Lisa Murkowski in 2010. Behind the scenes he was instrumental in ensuring that the Libertarian Party would not allow Senator Murkowski on their ticket for the Fall election, after she had lost to Miller in the primary.

Fish is a staunch gun rights advocate, and outdoorsman. He is also a US Army Veteran.

Note - In Alaska, the Libertarian Party has a tradition of working closely with Republicans. In 2006, the full membership of the LP Executive Committee endorsed Sarah Palin for Governor. In 2010, the Republican Party of Alaska endorsed ALP Chairman Scott Kohlhaas for state legislature. There was no Republican running in his district.

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