Right Libertarians react to Obama coming out in favor of Ground Zero Mosque

From Eric Dondero:

Barack Obama came out forthrightly in favor of building a Grand Mosque at Ground Zero in a press conference on Friday. We at Libertarian Republican solicited comments from leaders of the libertarian and libertarian-conservative movement.

First though, Greg Gutfeld, libertarian-conservative host of Red Eye on Fox News, appearing on the Glenn Beck show:

I went on to their Web site, the Cordoba House website. It's a lovely website, and they talk about preaching tolerance and communication.

And I thought how interesting is it that they are preaching tolerance and communication to Americans? I thought, wouldn't it be great to test their tolerance?

So I figured let's open an Islam-friendly gay bar next door to the mosque. That is my proposal and I'm sticking by it.

The Gutfeld approach - Let them build, but give 'em hell for doing so

I say let them build the mosque, but I reserve the right to stand in front of it on the public sidewalk and eat pork rinds loudly and messily. -- Dave Nalle, National Chairman, Republican Liberty Caucus rlc.org

Build a Church next door that specializes in Gay Marriage

My view is tolerant on the issue... If the zoning permits it, I say let 'em build. IF they can find licensed union workers who will do the job. IF the co owner of the property sells. BUT - Let them not complain when we permit a church to go right next door - one that specializes in gay marriage, and is, oh, 50' taller, with a cross. Let them not complain when Greg Gutfeld opens his Grind Zero gay bar right across the street. And I would like to see a deli next door as well - one that specializes in Black Forest Ham sandwiches, pork pies and American beer. A Victoria's Secret shop. A Marines recruitment center. Let's eventually zone the street as a high-end red-light.

I say let's play ball, and play for keeps.-- Ranald Hay, Publisher, Si Vis Placem

Quite possibly the stupidest thing Obama has ever said or done

I try not to be too much of a cynic. Even with President Obama, you have to try and give every person at least the tiniest benefit of the doubt. However, in the last 24 hours he has said perhaps the dumbest, most idiotic things of his short political career. And I know-- that's saying a lot.

Obama has come out in support of the Ground Zero mosque idea, despite many of the victims of the September 11th, 2001 atrocities families being against the plan. Apparently he has moved to the left of even Governor Paterson, who tried to move the mosque away from the sacred ground.

Apparently it's all the rage for the Left to defend the mosque. But God forbid a cross going up on or near public property. Or forbid a cultural center that isn't politically correct. Let's hope they're not building a church or a war memorial near the school, or it might offend someone.

President Obama's said some really stupid things in the last several years. However, this is a direct slap in the face to survivors of the horrific tragedy and furthermore show how far we have come as a country in those nine years. So far that even our own President and Mayor of New York can forget the lessons and pain of that terrible day. -- Matthew Avitabile, Jumping in Pools

Could lead to the next Civil War

No Christian president would ever celebrate Ramadan in the White House and no American patriot would ever support planting a Mosque on the hollowed ground of 9/11. This White House resident is intentionally pushing the American citizens to civil conflict, at ground zero, on the southern border and in cities across this nation. How many more dots do we have to connect? -- JB Williams, Syndicated Columnist, Tenn.

From a strictly political standpoint - big gain for Republicans

I'm hoping Obama's endorsement will do for the Ground Zero mosque what it did for Jon Corzine, Creigh Deeds, Martha Coakley, & Arlen Specter -- and it just may. The American public doesn't support building a mosque at Ground Zero, they're not going to change their mind about it, and Obama's comments cast an even bigger spotlight on the issue. -- John Hawkins, Publisher, Rightwingnews.com

Fairs, fair: Build the Mosque, but give Christians the same right in Muslim lands

The President says Muslims should have equal rights to members of other religious faiths in this country, and I heartily agree. Muslims should not have suprerior rights to the Chirstians whose house of worship was blown up on 9-11 and who have been delayed for nine years now in rebuilding their church. Furthermore, if Muslims can wear a head scarf at places of work, Christians must be allowed to where the cross. If Muslims can have time to pray in our schools, then so should Christians. If Muslims can have holy days added to the calendar, then what the hell is the government doing renaming the Christmas holidays as "Winter Break." As the self-proclaimed leader of a Muslim country, the President should tell his fellow leaders of Muslim countries that they should repect the equal rights of all religions in their countries. Of course, certain places should be kept holy, in the sense of separate, places where the practices of only a particlar religion are allowed, or which are free of any sectarian religion, notwithstanding religious freedom. Clearly, the holy places of Islam in Saudi Arabia are such places. And, to show our commitment to the universal right of religious liberty, we will consider using the geographic extent of the the holy places in Saudi Arabia as a guide for how close Muslim practices can be allowed near holy places in out country such as ground zero. - Clifford Thies, Senior Editor, Libertarian Republican

Too difficult to separate mainstream Islam from the radicals

Progressive-collectivists love to invoke 'private property rights' when it suits their purposes. But they use the iron fist of eminent domain, zoning laws and the mob of political correctness when it doesn't. For moral relativists and collectivist like Obama property rights, along with other issues is just a means to an end.

As a conservative-libertarian, the mosque issue is deeply troubling to me. On one hand, I support laissez faire, 100% unabridged, pure property rights. No exception, no infringement of this right.

And on the other hand is the sheer lunacy of construction of a mosque near hallowed ground where nearly 3000 people died because of a distortion of Islam - violent jihad.

Can we separate mainstream Islam from it's distortion? Or is it not worth the risk? 70% of Americans sure don't think so. Neither do I. -- Tim Daniel, Left Coast Rebel

Obama confuses their right to build, with whether it's appropriate?

The proposed mosque/community center two blocks from Ground Zero was a local matter for President Obama until the Ramadan dinner at the White House last night, where he endorsed its construction. The motto of this administration is now, apparently, "Never let an iftar go to waste."

President Obama's decision hasn't surprised many people, least of all me. Neither has President Obama apparently confusing whether Muslims have the right to build the "Park51" project on that spot with whether it's appropriate to build it there. What did surprise me was the stunningly bad sense of history President Obama once again put on display -- Wesley M., inmycopiousfreetime.blogspot

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