Right Libertarian reaction to SOTUS, Obama jab at Justice Alito

The State of (I want my Socialist) Union Speech

From Tim Daniels, Left Coast Rebel:

Tonight's scolding of the Supreme Court and clear usurpation of the integrity of separation of power in this country is just one of those things too. It's bigger than the entire charade of a 'State of (I want my socialist) Union' by the Obamanation. It speaks to the highest order of malfeasance and monarchical evil.

Jim Lagnese, The Right Guy:

Obama chides the Supreme Court... The dilettante in chief continues his populist rehabilitation tour with his SOTU speech before congress. Does this guy understand anything? Can he and does he take responsibility for anything? Can he ever give a speech that isn't about him at all? He a sorry excuse for a president and leader of a country.

Steve Nielson, The Liberty Republican:

the spending freeze, tax cuts, and budget cuts are being proposed by a man eager to win back the hearts and minds of the independents ahead of the 2010 election with hopes that in two more years he can ram through socialist ideal after socialist ideal.

From Reason H&R:

The Libertarian Guy - [You Lie!]I would give a weeks' pay to hear someone yell that again.

Or "Shut the fuck up, you smooth-talking proto-socialist prick". I'd give TWO weeks' pay to hear that, verbatim.

Editor's Note - Libertarian Guy, who is also a frequent commenter at HotAir.com, made the above comment before the Alito "Not true..." moment. We know of some great libertarian campaigns (Marco Rubio, Allan West, Pat Toomey, et.al.) that he could donate his week's pay too.

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