Rick Perry not Religious Right; rather Ayn Randian Right

Leftist accuses Texas Governor of hyper Individualism

Excerpted from The Hill, Pundit's Blog, by Brent Budowsky, "Rick Perry and Ayn Rand versus Democrats and Jesus"

While Rick Perry savages aid to education and sells short the young people of Texas, has talked of Texas seceding from the union in his imitation of the segregationists of the 1850s, champions policies that will export more jobs to China and causes gargantuan budget deficits that would make George W. Bush proud, let’s talk some Bible.

Jesus taught we should sell our possessions and give the proceeds to the poor, not fight for tax cuts for the rich and call it the politics of values. Jesus taught we should honor and love the children, not cut programs that help poor kids and cut schools that teach all kids and call it the politics of faith.

No, the politics of the Rick Perry right are not the politics of Jesus, but the politics of Ayn Rand, a proud atheist who believed John F. Kennedy was a fascist. Do Rand's Republican disciples agree with, or disagree with, her fervent atheism?

Photo credit - RoycraftReport.com

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