Republican Party of Alaska urges vote for Libertarian for State House


From Eric Dondero:

Scott Kohlhaas is Chairman of the Alaska Libertarian Party. He's also a candidate for State House, in District 23, northeast Anchorage (Russian Jack, Mountainview).

There is no Republican in the race.

Kohlhaas ran in 2008, similarly in a 2-way race with Democrat incumbent Max Gruenberg. He polled 20%.

However, this time he has the backing of the State Republican Party. In August, Kohlhaas secured the endorsement of the local GOP precinct chairman. And now the ARP is sending out a mailing to every Republican household in the district announcing Kohlhaas as their choice.

Kohlhaas, for his part, has agreed to "caucus" with the GOP if elected; not necessarily siding with Republicans on every vote, but supporting their choice for house speaker.

Kohlhaas has one of the best opportunities in the Nation of any Libertarian Party candidate to be elected to a State Legislature. A huge number of Republicans voted in the primary in August, in contrast to the Democrats, nearly 3-to-1. Republicans will have no other choice on the ballot, except liberal Gruenberg.

Kohlhaas is a well-known and well-liked community activist, as a leading member of the Mountainview Neighborhood Board, and the leader of the annual Mountainview Clean-up. He is running an aggressive campaign, with a massive yard-sign effort, precinct walking and radio ads.

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