Republican, Independent-Conservative for Congress in Florida, come out strongly against Ground Zero Mosque

From Eric Dondero:

Six different candidates are running against incumbent Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Allan Boyd in North Florida. The seat is seen as one of the most likely of all Republican pick-up opportunities, in this staunchly conservative area of the State.

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One candidate, self-described "Reagan Republican" Ron McNeil recently spoke at a forum to local high school kids. During the Q&A the subject came up of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. From the Panama City Herald, Aug. 17:

“I’m totally against it. If I had my way, it would pretty much be over my dead body... That religion is against everything America stands for. If we have to let them build it, make them build it nine stories underground..."

One student challenged McNeil on his stance. He responded:

“This religion’s plan is to destroy our way of life.”

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Dianna Berryhill, is also in the race. She's a longtime Republican activist, officeholder, and a backer of Marco Rubio. But she is not in the primary. Rather she will be on the ballot as an Independent in November. At the forum she had a stern warning:

“If we were under Muslim law, you girls wouldn’t be sitting here showing any kind of skin. You would be in hot burqas and … you wouldn’t be sitting in school,” she said.

At her website Berryhill exclaims:

In the war on terror, nothing should be off the table. This is a war against radical, religious jihadists. We should ensure that our enemies know that we are a greater threat to them than they are to us.

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