Republican for Congress Beth Ann Rankin gets a big endorsement from a libertarian-leaning Fox News contributor

From Eric Dondero:

Dick Morris in Hot Springs for a fundraiser for the libertarian group Americans For Prosperity, endorsed Republican candidate for Congress Beth Anne Rankin. In a release (via conservativenews):

He said he sees her race as one of the 45 “swing” elections that could go either way. Morris said he plans to appeal to his 450,000 supporters who receive his political columns by e-mail to financially support Rankin’s campaign.

On Fox, Morris has often described himself as a "libertarian Republican."

For her part, Rankin is endorsed by the Ron Paul/Tea Party group ArkansasforLiberty. She also has the official endorsement of libertarian-leaning GOPer Sarah Palin.

Though, Rankin is currently behind in the polls, 54 to 35% against incumbent "Blue Dog" Rep. Mike Ross. The District stretches from the southwestern outskirts of Little Rock to Texarkana.

Rankin is a former gospel singer, who has performed in Branson, Missouri. She is also a former Miss Arkansas.

On National Security, from her campaign website:

It is absolutely essential that America dedicates the resources necessary to be sure our armed forces are strong and our borders are secure. America faces enemies today who are dedicated to destroying our way of life, and we must be vigilant and determined in our defense of freedom and liberty.

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