Repeal of individual mandate for ObamaCare defeated in House

Republicans vote near unanimous for Repeal

From Eric Dondero:

Every single Republican in the US House, with the exceptions of Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisiana and Rep. Zach Wamp of Tenn. who missed the vote, voted "Yea" for repeal of the individual mandate in Obama's Health Care bill. The vote was 187-230.

From Politico:

Republicans wanted to get Democrats on the record once again saying they back a law that requires uninsured Americans to purchase health insurance.

The procedural motion never really had a shot at passing, but that wasn't the Republicans' point. The vote was 187-230, with 21 Democrats voting to roll back the individual mandate.

The amendment was sponsored by Republican Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan.

AntzinPantz blog comments:

Of course, it was defeated.

But it left the republicans with a handy list of names to campaign against.

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