Pro-Capitalist, Anti-Islamist Party on the verge of a Huge Victory in Switzerland!

Preserve Swiss Culture, Protect Swiss Banking, Pro-Gold, and "staunchly Pro-Free Market"

From Eric Dondero:

Today is election day in Switzerland. The libertarian-conservative Swiss Peoples' Party looks to gain an historic victory. Polls indicate that they could cross the all-important 30% mark. The latest polls had the party polling 28% to the Socialists 19%.


The SVP's strong campaign follows the party's push to outlaw the burka and expel foreign-born criminals. It echoes last year's SVP-sponsored "yes" vote in a referendum banning the building of minarets in a country counting only a handful of these visible symbols of Muslim worship.

The party has long stoked fears about currency wars and the need to "save Swiss gold".

Indeed, the extremist political group has bulldozed its way into the Swiss political mainstream by cleverly mirroring the prosperous average voter's rich person's anxieties.

The SVP is a party of millionaires and billionaires, such as former leader Christoph Blocher. Its coffers are overflowing and it has spent 7 million Swiss francs ($7.7m) on its election campaign...

In contrast to far-right political groups such as the National Front in France, with protectionist agendas, the SVP remains isolationist but staunchly pro-free market.

On cultural matters:

What concerns the SVP and voters, [SVP candidate Luke] Reimann says, is the "Islamisation of Switzerland".

The SVP does not content itself with mere anti-immigrant messages.... the SVP proposes an end to "integrative" and "multicultural" theories of education

Photos - SVP's flamboyant leader Oskar Freysinger, SVP Party headquarters, and SVP candidate Luke Reinsinger.

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