Police looking for additional Muslim suspects related to Abdo?

"Persons of interest" on Abdo's Facebook page

From Eric Dondero:

There have been varying and conflicting reports from the mainstream media as to whether Pfc. Naser Abdo acted alone in his terrorist plot near Ft. Hood, TX.

Fox News, who originally broke the story, reported that:

two other U.S. soldiers have been questioned as part of the investigation.

John Lilyea of the MilBlog ThisaintHell.us, who has been on this story from the beginning uncovers this news:

police have an interest in Zachari Klawonn (photo), the person named at The Jawa Report yesterday. Klawonn is another conscientious objector applicant from Fort Hood

And that they’re also looking at a female soldier, Nawal McCall, who our ninja says was in Abdo’s Facebook friends list before it came down yesterday.

Rap Boy Muslim appeared on Al-Jazeera

Klawonn, like Abdo, is well-known to mainstream media, and the blogosphere. He received a great deal of attention in 2010 when he refused to be deployed overseas because of his Muslim beliefs. ABC News featured him. But hyscience.com reported:

looks like Islamo-apologist,, Muslim-appeasing, ABC got suckered again in it's fawning, anti-U.S. military, interview with a U.S. soldier complaining of Islamophobia in the military on al-Jazeera. It turns out (via Jawa Report) that CAIR poster boy SPC. Zachari Klawonn at Ft. Hood is not so squeaky-clean as the media makes him out to be.

Klawonn was expelled from school for bringing a gun to school. He also participated in a rap video that threatened his high school teachers and staff.

Ironically, no other media are reporting on Lilyea's findings on Soldier #2 Nawal McCall. (Hear an exclusive LR interview last night with Lilyea on the Andre Controversa show)

Photo credit - WaPo and (Austin) Statesman.com

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