Oprah the Cow. No, really


From Eric Dondero:

Diana Waterman is the newly-elected Vice-Chair of the Republican Party of Maryland. And she has found herself in a big controversy.

Seems locals in Queens Anne County, on a local community blog, have discovered a huge scandal: She has a black cow named Oprah. The cow is actually a Black Angus.

From NBC Washington:

According to the Baltimore Sun, the issue came to light on a recent Facebook posting when the cow birthed a calf.

The Sun says the posting caught the attention of Sveinn Storm, who runs a Queen Anne's County-focused blog called "Pave Our County?"

Storm criticized Waterman's naming the cow after the African-American talk show host who has struggled with her weight. Storm say that's "precisely why an enormouse number of Americans view Republicans as racists."

Waterman defends the name. In a response to the Sun she said her children named the family's three cows. Oprah was named for a person they admire. The other two, Ferdinand and Isabella are named after the Spanish monarchs who approved Christopher Columbus's trip to the New World.

The State GOP is not rolling over for the PC mavens. A spokesman for the Maryland Republican Party commented:

"With Maryland facing a record budget deficit, historic unemployment and a government that spends beyond its means, I'm not sure why we're talking about cows," said Ryan Mahoney.

Photo - Waterman with libertarian Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson at the most recent State GOP convention in Ocean City.

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