No Christmas Cheer for Rifqa: Ohio State Authorities ban Christmas Cards for Christian Youth

State of Ohio, Court-appointed Counselors and Liberal Media become Mr. Scrooge

From Denise Clark:

Things just keep getting worse in the case of Rifqa Bary, the islam apostate who fled her Columbus, Ohio, home for fear of the fate that could await her for converting to Christianity. Though her family has said that they have no issues with Rifqa's new faith, the actions of the Bary family lawyer say otherwise.

Omar Tarazi, a CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) attorney representing Rifqa's parents, filed a motion in Franklin County court last week to ban Rifqa from receiving any Christmas cards through her attorneys and asking for confiscation of any cards the teenager may have already received. Tarazi cites that the Christmas cards are "dangerous to her health and safety".

The Counselors for Rifqa appointed by the Judge in Ohio, have filed an affidavit in favor of the motion from the radical Islamic group.

Ironically, as Jawa Report(s):

Meredith "Hijab" Heagney of the Columbus Dispatch to Michael Kruse of the St. Petersburg Times, insisted that the Bary family intends to respect Rifqa's Christian faith? Haven't these media stooges repeated assurances from the Bary parents that Rifqa has nothing to fear from returning home?


A hearty Christmas Cheer to Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, who originally called attention to Rifqa's plight and the plight of other muslim women who have become victims of "honor killings." Had Pamela not taken on the task of exposing this aspect of the "religion of peace," we would have no idea what an "honor killing" is or who Rifqa Bary is. Thank you Pamela!

A hearing to settle the matter of Rifqa receiving Christmas cards will take place on December 22. Pamela and other supporters will be there to rally for Rifqa.

Continuous coverage of Rigqa and information on the rally at Atlas Shrugs.

Join them! And as always, please keep Rifqa in your prayers.

Editor's Note - Denise Clark resides in Western Pennsylvania. Her blog, from a right libertarian pro-Family pro-Christian view, is the RightStuff.

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