NJ Republicans blast Nanny-State Anti-Bullying measure pushed by Dems

The responsibility of Parents or Public Schools?

From Eric Dondero:

According to PolitickerNJ.com, the recently introduced anti-bullying legislation by Democrat State Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono (D-18) and Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-37):

Provides that by the 2011-2012 school year all candidates for school administrator or teacher certification will be required to complete a program on harassment, intimidation, or bullying prevention, and that training in this area will be a part of the professional development requirements for these individuals. Includes training regarding harassment, intimidation and bullying in schools as a part of the training program provided to all school board members

All at taxpayer expense, of course.

Republican legislators and candidates for legislative seats are not impressed.

LD 37 GOP challengers John Aslanian and Keith Jensen called rival Huttle’s anti-bullying bill little more than "reactionary, big government liberalism" that will do nothing to improve education and only add to the burden of teachers and school administrators, and threw their support behind the "Fair School Funding Plan" advanced by state Sen. Mike Doherty (R-23).

“This anti bullying morass of regulations is precisely what we don’t need in New Jersey," declared Jensen on the first official day of campaign season. "It’s another way of jacking up the cost of education without teaching our children anything that will help them in the workplace."

Aslanianian added:

“Teaching kids not to be bullies is the parents’ responsibilities, not the schools’ job," said the challenger. "Our children need more time learning to read, write and compute so they can compete in the global economy. They don’t need more nanny state lessons.”

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